Monday, July 22, 2013

Guys who send nudes to girls they just met an hour ago are indeed manwhores.

Hello, hello and happy Monday to you all.  I've gotten such great reviews from friends and friends of friends about my blog in the last couple of days, very happy about it; especially the last blog with the guy I almost went on a date with, shoe guy.  I do have another excellent story, so I really feel the need to post this so you all get my sense of humor.  I'm a lady who loves her sarcasm.  Just think by hearing this story, it will make you understand what I'm trying to say a little bit more in works to come in my blog.

This is another horror story, but a little but more humorous and a lot more sass on my part.  Like I said prior, sometimes ladies are allowed to get bitchy in particular situations.

I started talking to a guy for couple days via Match Messaging.  The conversation was going well, he asked me to dinner, I agreed, gave him my number.  Let's call him Eric; he actually kinda looked like an Eric in his pictures.  (Just you wait)  The first text Eric sends me goes a  little like this... (Expect, I will not post bad grammar on his behalf.)

Eric: So I re-read your profile are you're really judgmental. 
Me: Why's that, I'm simply just stating what I want in a guy, that's kinda the point for the "about me" section.
Eric:  I don't know why you won't date someone that's not over 5'9.
Me: Uh, it's a comfort thing?  I want to be comfortable, is that too much to ask?
Eric:  I'm a great guy and you're just judging the shit out of me right now.
Me:  How tall are you?
Eric: About 5'9
Me: Okay, well, the same height is fine, I can do that, I just honestly like taller.
Eric: You're still judging the shit out of me.
Me: Can you stop it already?

Maybe I should have picked up on this red light a little earlier...

Kept talking to Eric, just about little things, assumed (there was my second mistake) he was normal, and I figured I should give him a shot, maybe we just got off on the wrong foot.  Not even an hour into our conversation it starts getting a little weird.  Eric texts me "I hope this makes your day."  Enclosed is this:

...For real dude?  (Side note- horrible wallpaper, seriously?) I didn't even ask for this, I don't know why you would send me this.  Even though I would love to post his asshole face, I have refrained for his sake.  To prove he was a true asshole, the rest of this blog will be continued via screen shots.

Please note that after he send me the picture, I did not respond for a couple of days.  Made it REAL awkward for him. ;)

I told you not to piss me off...

xox C

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