Wednesday, July 17, 2013

What's a "mensinsta?"  That's probably the first thing that you want to know before you read some random girls blog.  Mensinsta is a term I legitimately just made up, yup, this very second.  It's simply a combination of menswear + fashionista = mensinta.  Like it?  Constructive criticism is always very much appreciated. 

Picture this: Me, 24/S/F/NJ (do people still do that now-a-days?  Little nostalgia for ya...)  Sitting at my bedroom desk, elegantly covered my monogrammed terry cloth robe, hair still dripping clean of grapefruit smelling Fredric Fekkai color stay shampoo to keep my new ginger look looking fresh, stinking of Laura Mercier "Fresh Fig," yet smelling like a glamazon about to hit the red carpet, brainstorming a name for a menswear blog I promised to write about six months ago.  Great picture, right?  Menswear you ask, by why?  Does this bitch have any type of credibility?  Why would a girl want to write a menswear blog?  Well, because I'm a fucking menswear expert, duhhhhh.

I promised you I was a lady, so ladies can't exactly cuss; well, unless it's to a guy that's being a total jerk, (Perhaps an excellent story later?) so I'll try to keep this as PG (but not really, because what's the fun in that?) as much as possible.  So here's a little bit of a timeline to show my credibility as a "mensinsta:"

At the age of 18, I started working in menswear at Nordstrom, King of Prussia.  I worked under the highest seller in the company and achieved extreme professionalism and credibility with menswear brands such as:  Hugo Boss, Canali, Ermenegildo Zegna, Joseph Abboud, Hickey Freedman, Robert Graham, John Varatos, etc. etc.  I immediately fell in love, I couldn't handle the possibility that sizes for men actually made sense.  I.E.  if your waist measures 34 inches, your pant size is a 34! WOAH, SLOW DOWN HERE...  Why is it so complicated for women?  Why would women make sizes such as 0 (seriously, why/how does that even exist?) and size 3?  But no, sometimes sizes only come in even numbers in certain brands and not odd; and why does premium denim come in NORMAL sizes like a size 29, just as men have?  Seriously, whoever invented sizes for women, totally needs a bitchslap by yours truly.  So life goes on, I perform some serious makeovers on ex-boyfriends (Ask anyone- I'm like a fairy Godmother to some helpless souls I've dated out there and they all have thanked me for opening their eyes to the exciting world of fashion.) and then I graduate college.  I graduate college with an English, Secondary Education degree.  (I will admit, sometimes I'm too lazy to proofread.) I have the world all around me, and I chose to go into retail.  Who does that?  Seriously?  Someone who wants to purse their passions instead of paying their student loans.  (Currently I'm paying 1/4 of my monthly income to my loans- seriously? When is college going to get any cheaper for future generations?  Perhaps my next blog rant?)  So, I decided to keep my gig at Nordstrom, selling suiting, until my dream came true...

THE Italian luxury menswear brand opened up nearby.  (When I quit/they fire me, I'll post what this brand is, better safe than sorry.)  It was like heaven on Earth- the most elegant menswear brand on the planet working in my mall. I rocked my interview (or so I think-I didn't think so at the time) and they offered me a job.  Took said job, and here I am now, one year and ten months later still at the same luxury boutique.

So, over the last couple of months, I've found it necessary to want to write a blog to help all the good guys out there to learn how to dress.  Who knows how many people will actually read this, but I'll say that I'll aspire to have Jezbel (Excellent women's fashion, sex, celeb site-check it OR the brother site- Gawker) type of writing meshed with the concept of the style guy from GQ.  I.E. you ask me questions, I'll answer eloquently, but from a ladies perspective; because after all, aren't most of you guys (except all my awesome gay pals out there) dressing for us ladies?  So why would you want a guys opinion anyways?  (If you do, please enlighten me) Here I am, classy young lady at your service.  From time to time, I'll throw in a couple of silly dating stories because being a single lady in Northern New Jersey, involved in online dating, has been quite the experience thus far.

Feel free to post comments, I'll answer.  If I don't get too many comments/emails I might just have to start with the basics.  Like what tie goes with a white shirt and blue suit; it still boggles my mind that people don't know that, but that's why I'm here, to help you all out one blog at time.

Love Always,
xox CB

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