Saturday, July 20, 2013

Should men indulge in womenswear from time to time?

Should men indulge in womenswear from time to time?  Boy, do I got a story for you...

I figured if I wanted to make this blog interesting and my own, I would have to add some sort of personalization to it.  So, as said per last blog entry, I probably will throw in some online dating stories from time to time.  I'm currently on (no shame in my game) and it's really been quite interesting.  My oldest brother met his current girlfriend and hopefully, one day, soon to be wife.  Excellent lady, great family, fun personality, and overall great head on her shoulders.  After meeting her and being single for a couple of months, I figured I should try online dating.  After college, it's truly hard to meet people.  Unfortunately, there is still some social stigma behind online dating, especially at my age, but honestly I don't give a shit.  I've truly met some interesting gentleman thus far.

Speaking of interesting...

Before I begin, quickly think about what your deal breakers are in a relationship.  What are they?  What are your lines and boundaries that you just won't do in a significant other?  I know mine, but I am still 24, I am still learning who I am every single day.  Regardless of the fact that I really can be a grandma, I have had a lot of life changing experiences than your typical 24 year old, I am still figuring my own life out.

So, here it goes...

SIDE NOTE: Obviously this blog is not to make fun of the gentleman that I met, because he was overall a nice person, but it's more to really get you to think what your deal breakers are and why we have them as individuals.  Not to mention, it is a funny story and it shows that you really never know, that there are some interesting (or whatever you wanna call it) guys and gals out there.

Alright, here it goes for real...

Picture this- Nice guy, late 20's, good looking, great job, graphic designer, charming, family guy, wants to get married- cool just what I'm looking for.  Talked to John (fake name- although, I don't even know his last name...) for about a week before he asked to take me out to dinner, I said sure, he seemed like he had his life together, unlike other guys I've met in the past.  Gave him my number, he texted me shortly after.  All's good in the world, we are setting up our date in the next couple days, and we began to just talk about little things.  John noticed that I was 5'9, and the dialogue started like this:

John:  Are you really 5'9 or are you 5'9 in high heels?
Me: Uh, why would I lie about that, of course I'm 5'9.
John:  Is that an issue?
Me:  Not really, I'll just wear flat shoes, it's fine.
John: Are you sure?  I can wear heels.
Me: Hah
John: Hahahahaha yeah
John: Hahahah jk
John: ...but not really

(insert really fucking freaked out face here)

John proceeded to tell me that he would wear women's heels from time to time.  He said wasn't a big deal, brushed it off, and kept asking me questions about my life.  I couldn't handle it, I had to know more.  I told him I had to know what exactly he meant by that, but he told me he had to go, prior engagement of some sort.  I left me hanging for several hours...

Time passed on, I really was unsure on what to do.  I started over-thinking.  (womanly flaw) I'm very active in the mental health and wellness community because I lost my father when I just turned 19.  I ran a mental health club for years in college, I've taken psychology courses, this is something I just didn't know where to even start.  I didn't want to be mean, I couldn't; what if he freaked out and threatened to kill himself?  What if... I don't even know!  I just felt like at that point in time, I was stuck going on a date with a guy that wore high heels, but who knows to what extent this fettish, or whatever is it, went.

He appeared back in the middle of the night, drunk, so it was easy for him to text me with blunt honesty.  Here's how it went:

John: Sooooooo, are you still there? LOL
Me: Yeah, uh, what's going on?
John: Yeah, I like women's heels, I own some pairs, what size are you?
Me: Uh, 10.
John: Good, we can share!!!!!! :D
Me: Uh, I don't know about this...
John: Why? What's wrong?

(Seriously dude?)

Me: I think I need to know what extent you're talking about before we go out.
John: Please, let's go out, I really like you.
Me: So do you dress in drag or something?
John: No, not really.
Me: Do you wear makeup?
John: Yeah, omg it's hard to put on!
Me: Do you wear girls clothes in public?
John: Not really, sometimes I'll wear skinny jeans a cute top.
Me: What do you mean by a cute top?
John: You know, a cute top :)
Me: I don't know about this.
John: Please,  I really want to meet you and take you out.
Me: I'm looking for a boyfriend, not a girlfriend.  No offense.
John:  Okay.............
Me:  I don't think you'll ever change for me.
John:  It's not a matter of me changing, it's a matter of finding someone that accepts me for me.

So, I never went on the date with John.  (I know you were all thinking that...) Are there girls out there who would accept that?  Am I just weird?  Is he just weird?  Is this normal?  What is normal?  What are your deal breakers?  Is there hope for the human race?  Will I ever find a normal guy again?

xox C

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