Tuesday, January 21, 2014

It's been a while...

Current status: sitting in my basement, scantily clad in flannel pants with snowflakes, Zegna silk and cashmere hoodie, oily makeup from a 5:45 wake up, wrapped around in a big blanket (one in which my family calls the "buffalo blanket" for unknown reasons- especially since it's white with pink flowers on it...) and currently trying to do anything and everything other than my job.  It's been way overdue for a blog post, so why not now?  I'm hoping for a snow day tomorrow, so I'm being awesome and not doing my prep for classes tomorrow.  Side note- the title of this blog, makes me think of this old Britney Spears, can't think of the name...

I haven't written in here since September... for obvious reasons- I'm in a loving and caring relationship with someone I don't know how I lived without for the last 24 years.  He's insanely smart, annoyingly hilarious, a sexy redhead with the coolest green/gold eyes, a cat lover (his cat looks like him if he was a cat), and possible sugar daddy (HA!) material for when I need to be a stay at home mom.  The most ironic part- he's "Google Steve," you know, the guy I wrote about how many months ago that I hated...

I know, I know, you're thinking I'm insane, but some weird feeling overcame me when I got mad at him; but why?  Weirdly enough, at a family function in the late summer, I found out that a lot of my family members read my blog.  Which is fine, but it's just silly to think that people actually read this hot mess of a life that I have.  I actually have a couple of followers from Russia.  Anyways, so a cousin of mine really got to me.  Said cousin actually got mad at me for being mean to "Google Steve."  Weeks just kept on going, I kept on thinking, and "Google Steve" texted me some adorable/odd apology.  I decided to give him a chance, because I kept on thinking about all those good guys out there that I always let down, and the fact that someone basically loved me without meeting me scared me a little, but I was getting to the point that I needed that in my life because of the lack of love in prior relationships.  So, I set up a date with "Google Steve."

This date was back in September (he probably remembers the specific date) and I still can't believe it happened.  I told him I wanted it to be a "friend date" simply because I was still dating that idiotic Polish guy (Meanwhile, I didn't see him for two weeks and we would talk like once a week) and since we didn't officially say we were over, I didn't want to lead "Google Steve" on.  We met at good old Six Flags for our first date.  I was so nervous and didn't know what to wear, but at the same point in time, I really didn't care because he was the one that had to impress ME because I was the one that hated him at one point in time.  He got there a little bit before me, and ended up not only buying us tickets, but bought us season passes.  (When we first handed them to me, I was like, "Damn, even if I don't see this guy ever again I got a season pass out of this- SCORE!" ...I don't think I ever told him that :) )  Anyways, the "friend date" went so well that I ended up going to his place afterwards (Don't be stupid, I'm a classy lady) and we had a couple of nightcaps with some friends.  A first date turned into him calling out sick the next day (I of course didn't have work because I was in between jobs) and me spending a couple more hours with this interesting, sexy fellow.

Three months later, I'm still with that same guy and I couldn't be happier.  He drives me absolutely nuts/makes me laugh so hard that I want to pee my pants/teaches me all these things I never knew/is my meteorologist/spoils me like the princess I should be/loves cats/makes me branch out of my shell/basically anything and everything I could ever ask for in a significant other.  Sometimes the good guys do win... Sorry M for the hell I put you through, love you.

xox C

PS- I never got to the part where I'm a middle school language arts teacher and I got the job on my first interview ever for teaching ;) #blessed

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