Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Google Steve asked me to marry him

Yes, you read the title right, Google Steve from my blog asked me to marry him just last week.  I've been living with Google Steve for almost a year and half, been dating two years or so and he popped the question just the other day when he was a chaperone on a school field trip with my students.

It went a little like this...

It was a sunny Friday, not a cloud in the sky and NRC was going on their last class trip to Six Flags.  I've been waiting for about a month for this trip to happen and I spent hours planning with my fellow colleagues.  Through those late nights of planning, I never actually realized how much work those dang trips are.  That's besides the point, let's get to the good stuff... So, I was nervous about how it all would go down, this and that, people speculating that students would be doing all sorts of crazy things at the park, but I had faith in my little children.  

Fortunately enough, we needed extra chaperone's, so Matt (aka Google Steve) was able to come.  I could tell he seemed a little nervous, but little old me figured it was the fact that I asked to him to watch ten students all day, that would make any engineer who doesn't interact with children all day nervous.  Plus, he just got a big promotion at his job, so he has been working late nights, dreaming in computer code.

The day came and I woke up like a child on Christmas.  I was so dang excited to go back to Six Flags!  For those that do not know, Google Steve took me to Six Flags on our first date two years ago.  He was a sucker and bought my sweet ass a season pass; unfortunately, I was not able to go a second time because of rain, other circumstances.  Anyways, we both were getting ready, I was trying to rush a little faster because I offered to be the breakfast bitch for my friends, so of course, I was running around like a crazy lady.  I changed into my cutest park attire (as cute as it could be, I mean I had to tie up my lions mane with two hair ties) and we rushed on our way to school.  The only strange aspect that morning was the fact that Google Steve asked me what to wear; he only did that on special occasions, but I figured he was meeting my much talked about students, so I really didn't put too much thought into it.  I told him to put on his fish shirt that I got him from Target; mainly because my favorite Autistic student has been telling me all about what fish we need for our fish tank that now has snails in it.

7:45 we got to NRC, figured out last minute trip things, made Google Steve stock the buses with water and bagels for the children, and by 8:45 we were on our way to Six Flags!  Nothing out of the ordinary, just that we were sitting in sauna of a bus with 52 teenagers and six adults.  By the time we got to the park, just about everyone had a mean case of "swamp ass." (refer to urban dictionary if you don't sweat like a beast and understand my lingo.) 

The first ride we went on were those giant swings.  I informed my kids that this was mandatory because they needed to get acclimated to the idea of a ride.  Simply because most of my students never went on a roller coaster before (breaks my heart every time) but, now that of course has changed.  After that, we went on my all-time favorite, Nitro.  For those that do not know Nitro, it's only one of the highest roller coasters on the east coast.  Little did I know that Google Steve was carrying a very expensive ring in the pocket of his shorts as I asked him to go on this mighty fine roller coaster.  Next up was Skull Mountain, where I had to pass because I took the role of bag boy and carried everyones goodies thus far.  Last but not least before the big proposal, was the Sky Ride.

The thing about the Sky Ride is that Google Steve and I had our first kiss here.  I remember being timid because it was the first date and after everything that had happened, but I remember thinking on that first date, "Screw it, this one really likes you, I mean he's been talking to you for months and he got you a season pass, don't be worried, he's not like the others." And that's the thing, from square one, Google Steve was not like the others, he was real and I don't know if I was quite ready for it yet. Then the time came that I was over the game of the dating life, and I decided to give Google Steve another shot.  (For his sake, "he decided to give me another shot too." ha!) 

We get in line for the Sky Ride and a student of mine is FaceTiming a former student of mine.  We chat, we exchange our hello's and  Google Steve is talking to my favorite Autistic student.  She asks him for gum, he says no, I don't think too much of it.  After we all decide what car we want to go in, I have with me- Google Steve, my favorite Autistic Student, and my other favorite punk rocker student who I used to have a show down with every single day. (She always thought she was right, but hell no! The teacher is always right!  After a myriad of lunch detentions, she found that little tidbit out, and we became good friends.) 

We got into the car and Google Steve Puts his arm around me, and starts telling my two girls about our first date at Six Flags.  (Before all of this, I told all my students about how Google Steve and I had our first date there and how simply excited he was to come meet everyone.)  I nudge him, like a Floyd Mayweather move, simply hoping that he got the hint to stop talking and making this Sky Ride about us.  He goes on, explaining how him and Miss B had their first kiss on the Sky Ride. (They said they would turn around and let us kiss.  I politely declined.) And then his words of praise continued on, regardless of my nudges, of how much this was a very special first date and something he simply could never forget. All of a sudden, he asks if anyone would like gum.  He takes the gum out, and out goes the ring of my dreams into his hands and he gets on one knee. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME? IS THIS A JOKE?" The words fall out of my mouth, my Miss B filter is gone.  Fortunately enough, I did not curse, which is kinda surprising because sometimes I get a little sailor mouth/my Colombian ratchet side comes out. He says my full name, and asks to marry him. "THIS HAS GOT TO BE A JOKE, BUT IT'S THE RING I REALLY WANTED." 

In the end, of course it wasn't a joke.  It was the best and most thoughtful way he could have asked me to marry him.  Regardless of the fact that it was the day after seven years of my father's passing, it made the time of the month easier.  Easier to the fact that July is a really crappy month, death sucks.  But, now every July 10th, I will remember that the man of my dreams asked me to be his forever, and forever I will remain happy and delighted to be his.

Until next time.
Xox CB